Watch the rest of the video right over here.
Join Us
LearnGet the history around you and how we’re supporting.
Get the history around you and how we’re supporting.
CreateFind out about upcoming events and join in!
Find out about upcoming events and join in!
ShareLet your social media networks know about this important cause.
Let your social media networks know about this important cause.
Build Communitygenerate creativity within the community
generate creativity within the community

Waterloo Region is good at making and innovating. It’s time we put real effort into celebrating. Here is how you can help get the party started.
Got a few seconds, or a minute or 15?
30 Seconds
Follow the Creative Capital of Canada on social media!
3 Minutes
Create a social post in support of the movement using some of the available social media assets on the website and don't forget to use #CreativeCapitalOfCanada.
60 Seconds
Upload your name or logo in our supporters section.
5 Minutes
Post a local event that no one might know about in the region.
15 Minutes
Upload a story/press release about an initiative, someone or something in the region that you believe is creative.
Introduce the movement to friends/colleagues.
Join The Movement
Is your mind already bursting with ideas about celebrating our creativity? Maybe you want to incorporate pride in the Creative Capital of Canada into your organization’s communications and marketing.
Here are some assets that have been created to help you spread the word and recognize Waterloo Region as the Creative Capital of Canada.